Friday, December 19, 2014



Did you know that 80% of all individuals suffer from low back pain at some point in their lives? At times, the cause can be a specific injury. In other cases, the cause cannot be accurately determined. Low back pain 
is the second most common reason for a visit to the doctor's office (the first is upper-respiratory infections 
What causes low back pain. The spine is a complex structure made up of bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles. 
It can be injured in several ways. It’s possible to sprain ligaments, muscles, or get a bulging or herniated disc. These are just some of the factors that can lead to low back pain. There can be times when the simplest movement (bending down to pick up a pencil from the floor, picking up your child) can lead to severe pain.Will my back heal itself Unlike muscles and bone, the lower back is a complex part of the body 
that does NOT “heal” on its own. It is critical to identify the underlying cause (which is where we help you) so that you can get permanent, long-term relief.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

suffers from neck pain - Dr vinoth physiotherapy

Neck pain can be so mild that it is merely annoying and distracting. Or it can be so severe that it is unbearable and incapacitating. Most instances of neck pain are minor and commonly caused by something you did. That is, if you keep your head in an awkward position for too long the joints in your neck can "lock" and the neck muscles can become painfully fatigued. Poor postures while working, watching TV, using a computer, reading a book, or talking on the phone with the receiver held against your shoulder and under your chin can be responsible for neck pain.

Neck pain that persists for many days or keeps coming back may be a sign that something is wrong. Disease, an injury (such as whiplash in an auto accident), a congenital malformation, or age-related changes may be responsible for more significant pain. A trained medical professional must determine the underlying causes of such neck pain. Examination and diagnosis by a medical doctor and treatment by a physical therapist may quickly relieve your pain or help you deal with it on a long-term basis.

Who suffers from neck pain?
Almost everyone experiences some sort of neck pain or stiffness at one time or another during their life. Because you walk upright and your head is "balanced" on top of your spine like a golf ball on a tee. The head weighs between 10 and 15 pounds. If the muscles that support your head and neck are not kept flexible and strong, poor and prolonged postures can put too much stress on the head and neck muscles and joints. This can lead to strains of the muscles and sprains of the ligaments that support your head and neck.

As we age, our joints wear out (this is called osteoarthritis) and the discs in the spine dry up and flatten (this loosely describes Degenerative Disc Disease). You may experience pain that radiates into the top of the shoulders or in between your shoulder blades. Occasionally, a pinched nerve (called aradiculopathy) occurs and you may feel tingling, pain, and/or numbness radiating into the arm, forearm, hand, and fingers. As always, with persistent pain you should be evaluated by a medical doctor and seek treatment from a trained physical therapist.